Schedule adjustments and closures due to extreme or inclement weather are at the discretion of the Director. When necessary, staff and families will be notified of weather-related closings or delays no later than 6am on the day in question.
Morning Program- Delay
In the event of a delayed opening –
School will begin one hour late, with carpool beginning at 9:45am.
The Adult/Toddler programs will begin at 10:15.
Early morning drop-off will not be available.
All classes and afternoon programs will dismiss at the regularly scheduled time.
Afternoon Program- Early Closure
If weather concerns develop during the morning that require an early closure –
All students in the 3s through Kindergarten program will be dismissed at 12:00pm.
All afternoon programs will be cancelled.
The 2s and the Adult/Toddler programs will dismiss at their regular dismissal time.