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The Church of the Good Shepherd and The Good Shepherd School: A Joint Vision for Children

We affirm that all children are a gift of God, created by God and created good. All children are a gift to the whole of the human community; all children have a real faith and gifts for ministry; all children have the right to be children; and all children are not just tomorrow, they are today.

Therefore, we are called

  • to love, shelter, protect, guide, and defend children within this community and in the world;

  • to nurture and support families in caring for their children, acting in their children’s best interest, and recognizing and fostering their children’s spirituality and unique gifts;

  • to give high priority to the quality of planning for children now, and the preparation and support of those who minister to them.


Because Jesus welcomed children and encouraged us to welcome them in his name and because He lifted up a child as an example of what the realm of God is like, we covenant to act in such a way that this vision may be made real for all children, now and in times to come.

Through The Good Shepherd School, we strive to provide a good foundation based on Christian principles. This enables the Church to invest in the future of hundreds of children, some of whom might otherwise never experience Christian love and community. The Good Shepherd School is a concrete expression of the Church’s care for young people and their families and of the belief that God calls us to love all of His children.


The Vestry of The Church of the Good Shepherd

The Board of Directors of The Good Shepherd School

June 10, 1998

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